This article is an extract of chapter #2 in Karl Moore’s best-selling book, ‘The 18 Rules of Happiness.’
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
– Meister Eckhardt
We live in a fast-paced, microwave, drive-thru, Buy-It-Now society.
It’s a society that has forgotten to be truly grateful for the things around it. We only tend to be grateful for things when we no longer have them.
Think of the sense of relief you gain when you just get over an illness, and are so thankful that your turbulent tummy has now settled. Consider how appreciative you are when those tests come back clear. Or when the speeding camera doesn’t flash. Or when you finally find your lost child in the supermarket.
These are the moments in life when we realize how blessed we truly are.
Yet how many of us truly appreciate that on a day-to-day basis?
My guess is very few of us. We only become grateful of things when we think we don’t have them.
But here’s the thing: by counting our blessings every day, in a very literal way, we become happier people. Research across the globe in countless studies has proven this over and over again.
So, when was the last time YOU were truly grateful?
Think of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for right now. It could be your family. Or your health. Maybe your home. Your friends. Your brain. Your heart. Your spirit. Even your DVD collection.
We’ve all got amazing things in our own lives that make us smile with joy. Things that bring a secret, loving tear to our eyes.
And if we can only learn to count these blessings every day, we’ll discover a true happiness and greater appreciation of the beautiful world we surround ourselves with.
So, if you can, make that part of your daily ritual. Count your blessings, briefly in the morning, and briefly at night. Then smile at the world for sending such great things your way.
Be grateful – and you will be happy.